Our Expertise in SPSS
At Stat Consul, our expert statistician specialises in the use of IBM® SPSS® Statistics for analysing students' data.
Read more about Quantitative Data AnalysisSPSS stands for Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, and is used by most researchers for complex statistical analysis of quantitative data. Originally launched by SPSS Inc. in 1968, it was acquired by IBM in 2009. This software package was created for the management and statistical analysis of social science data.
SPSS is a powerful statistical software platform that offers a user-friendly interface and a robust set of features that lets you quickly extract actionable insights from your data. Advanced statistical procedures help ensure high accuracy and quality decision-making.
At Stat Consul, we prefer using Microsoft Excel to create beautiful and alluring charts that are generated from SPSS-imported tables for the purpose of descriptive analysis. We also perform use SPSS to test your data for reliability, construct validity, sample adequacy and normality.
For inferential analysis, we make use of a wide variety of techniques for your dissertation:
At Stat Consul, we have the competency and expertise in IBM® SPSS® Statistics to choose and conduct the most appropriate quantitative analysis techniques for your data. We also make optimal use of Microsoft Excel and Stata to make your analysis more comprehensive.
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